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Value-added logistics

Many factors, such as price or delivery speed, can be taken into account when looking for a logistics services for any operation. However, something happens underneath the surface that makes one logistics operator stand out from another, namely the range of value-added services.

What is Value Added in logistics?

Value-added logistics (VAL) is a term used within the sector. This allows for a more comprehensive service and is an essential tool for increasing customer satisfaction. This is especially important when it comes to certain operations based on the trust that a customer places in a company.

Logistics is also by definition a competitive sector. Importers need competitive logistic services to ensure this very thing for their commercial operations. However, we cannot confuse competitiveness with having more resources. In fact, added value is being best implemented by medium sized and specialised companies. Whenever a logistics operator adds value the right way, this shows their knowledge of the ins and outs of the sector and the needs of the customer.

And there is no point in going for added value if you do not respond to what the customer needs.

What General Logistics or Added Value Logistics? GLS vs. VAL

But what is it that separates General Logistics Services (GLS) from logistics of Added Value (VAL)?

GLS services involve loading and unloading, stowage and distribution. These involve traditional activities in a logistical shipment, something offered by all operators due to being a basic of this service.

Anything else that cannot be considered as a key part of the logistical service is likely to form part of a VAL. For example:

  • Storage service: Providing convenient services for all merchandise such as duty-free stores.
  • Specialised transport: Alternative transport solutions, door to door service or intermodal transport.
  • Urgent parcel service: A reality in e-commerce.
  • LCIS services (Logistic Chain Integration Services): Where a logistic operator takes charge of the steps involved in the production chain, such as assembly, quality control or packaging.

To put it simply, overall logistics is the basic services that must be provided by a logistics company, while Added Value Logistics is the extra that can be offered to allow a customer choose one operator over another.

Bilogistik and added value

At Bilogistik, we are committed to comprehensive logistics management. This makes our services fall squarely into the scope of added value. Below are some of the VAL services that we offer our customers. .

Storage in warehouses and external warehouses

duty-free warehouse is a storage space for goods that are being imported or exported. Its major benefit is the tax benefits offered, due to the fact that the goods are stored free of taxes. At Bilogistik, we work with the Bilbao duty-free warehouse, which operates as a customs warehouse (DA in Spanish) as well as a customs bonded warehouse (DDA in Spanish).

However, it is sometimes important to have total autonomy. For this reason, a company with its own warehouse to store goods until their shipment date stands out as a VAL service. We at Bilogistik have a space next to the Port of Bilbao that offers the same tax benefits as the warehouse.

Handling of all types of goods

Not all logistical operators are qualified to transport just any type of goods. There is another added value of a company such as Bilogistik that is also capable of transporting high tonnage cargo, heavy metalsminerals or ferro-alloys.

Particular mention must be made of the transport of dangerous or polluting loads that require careful handling, such as explosives, flammable, toxic, corrosive and radioactive material.

Door-to-door service

There is no point in transporting goods throughout the world if the most important step is not covered, namely, who is going to be delivering them to the recipient.

We at Bilogistik always talk about comprehensive transportation and door to door logistics services. One of our strengths to ensure this is the use of intermodal transport, which consists of combining two or more modes of transport to deliver the goods to their destination, meaning the customer does not have to worry about transfers and connections.


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